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Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications – 2015

Proceedings of the I International Forum
(November 25–27, 2015, Izhevsk, Russian Federation)

The Forum successfully held in the Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University in framework of the XI International Conference «Instrumentation Engineering in the XXI Century. Integration of Science, education and Production» dedicated to the 55th anniversary of «Radio Electronics Design» Department. The Forum gathered participants from various countries including Russia, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Syria. The results of discussions were formed in proceedings book containing peer-reviewed papers.

Organising Committee

Scientific Committee (Editorial Board)

Приборостроение, электроника и телекоммуникации – 2015

Сборник статей I Международного форума
(25–27 ноября 2015 г., Россия, г. Ижевск)

Форум состоялся в Ижевском государственном техническом университете имени М. Т. Калашникова в рамках XI Всероссийской научно-технической конференции «Приборостроение в XXI веке. Интеграция науки, образования и производства», посвященной 55-летнему юбилею кафедры «Конструирование радиоэлектронной аппаратуры». В форуме приняли участие ученые из России, Чехии, Германии, Испании, Сирии. По итогам формума сформирован сборник отрецензированных статей на английском языке.

Организационный комитет

Научный комитет (редакционная коллегия)

Individual papers


Abenov, R., Pokamestov, D., Geltser, A., Kryukov, Ya., Rogozhnikov, E., Shibelgut, A.
Powerline communications channel: modeling and noise monitoring

Aleksandrov, V.A., Kalyuzhnyi, D.G., Besogonov, V.V., Skvortsova, I.N.
Application of nanostructured silver-palladium resistance films for measuring of power and frequency of laser radiation pulses

Andriyanov, A.I.
Border-collision bifurcations in automatic control systems with two-side sinusoidal unipolar reversible pulse-width modulation

Arakcheev, E., Brunman, V., Brunman, M., Konyashin, A., Petkova, A.
Complex automated electrolysis unit for wastewaters treatment and drinking water purification

Arkhipov, I., Murynov, A.
Multiscale centroid filtration of noisy graphics image

Baiteryakov, A.V., Muraviev, V.V., Kazakov, R.S., Dedov, A.I.
Influence of the operating damage on the acoustic parameters in the railhead

Bogdan, O.P., Muravieva, O.V., Dudina, Yu.S., Maslennikov, S.I., Milich, V.N.
Visualization and image processing techniques in the evaluation of ultrasonic equipment radiation intensity

Bustami, R., Klimov, I.
Research and development of the encryption algorithm in specific area of digital image with Viola and Jones face detection algorithm

Davydov, A., Zlydneva, T.
Modeling of short-pulse laser radiation in terms of photon wave function in coordinate representation

Emelianov, V., Emelianova, M.
Method of performance evaluation of tasks in e-learning systems

Emelyanova, T.A., Voronin, A.V., Goncharov, V.I.
Non-linear programming in the synthesis of regulators

Gaysin, A., Nadeev, A.
Estimation QoS parameters in mobile communication networks

Grebeshkov, A., Zuev, A.
Computer simulation of uncoordinated dynamic channel access method in cognitive radio network for radio terminal device

Gulyaev, P.V., Shelkovnikov, E.Yu., Tyurikov, A.V., Korshunov, A.I.
Forming the panoramic SPM-images scans during nanoparticles dispersity

Ibrahim, I.N., Al Akkad, M.A.
Exploiting intelligent systems in aircraft pitch control

Kasimov, D.R., Kuchuganov, A.V.
A system of graphical searching for electrical circuits and parts of instruments

Kopysov, A., Klimov, I., Zagidullin, Yu.
The analysis of efficiency of space-diversity reception

Kulikov, V.A., Nikitin, K.A., Seletkov, S.G., Shelkovnikov, Y.K.
Method and apparatus for measuring of the heat flow density in soil

Lyubchenko, A., Castillo, P., Mora, A., García-Sánchez, P., Kopytov E.
Monte Carlo simulation model for estimation of reliability indexes of electronic means

Murashova, D.S., Murashov, S.A., Bogdan, O.P., Muravieva, O.V., Kuznetsov, E.P., Yugova, S.O.
Elasticity moduli estimation using different elastography methods: a phantom based approach

Muraviev, V., Volkova, L., Platunov, A., Buldakova, I., Ajpalov, K., Budrin, A., Jakimov, A.
Research of estimate’s possibility of thermal stresses in rails

Muravieva, O.V., Petrov, K.V., Gabbasova, M.A.
Probabilistic and statistical characteristics of signals in mirror through transmission technique on multiple reflections for rod cross section ellipticity testing

Myshkin, Y.V., Muravieva, O.V.
Influence of the viscoelastic media properties on the lowest Lamb wave mode propagation in pipe

Shelkovnikov, Y.K., Korshunov, A.I., Seletkov, S.G., Kulikov, V.A.
Interpolation information-measuring system on the basis of television scanistor

Sibgatullin, B.I.
Effect of circuit resistance and inductance on surge current testing of tantalum capacitors with different capacitance

Skvortsov, A.A., Koryachko, M.V., Chortov, V.P., Skvortsov, P.A.
Development of the diagnostic complex for the analysis of thermal degradation of semiconductor structures

Smirnov, V., Korobeynikov, A.
Ordering the numeric sequence of image pixels at lossless compression

Strizhak, V.A., Khasanov, R.R., Moskvin, N.V., Pryakhin, A.V.
Optimization of circuit parameters for the EMA sensor excitation

Ushakov, P., Shadrin, A.
R-C-NR structure based on MOSFET

Usoltseva, A.V.
The laser engraving in decorative processing of organic glass

Varnavsky, A.N.
Wearable electronics for efficiency increase of prevention and diagnosis of ecologically caused diseases

Zlobina, I.V., Bekrenev, N.V.
Justification of the scheme of ultrasound processing of inner spherical surface of quartz resonators of solid-state vibratory gyroscopes

Scientific conferences Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

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