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Application of Nanostructured Silver-Palladium Resistance Films for Measuring of Power and Frequency of Laser Radiation Pulses

Aleksandrov, V.A., Kalyuzhnyi, D.G., Besogonov, V.V., Skvortsova, I.N.

Abstract. It is shown that the electric signal taking off probe electrodes placed on a silver-palladium resistive film surface, at the effect by laser radiation essentially depends on power and frequency of radiation pulses. The irradiated area of a sensitive element gets an electric charge, due to originating of temperature gradient and charge carriers thermodiffusion current, as result the potential difference, recorded in the form of generated voltage signal, is created.

Keywords: resistive film, silver-palladium resistive films, laser, thermodiffusion, nanostructured, sensor

GOST 7.1-2003 citation for works in English:Цитирование по ГОСТ 7.1-2003 для работ на английском языке:
Aleksandrov, V.A., Kalyuzhnyi, D.G., Besogonov, V.V., Skvortsova, I.N. Application of nanostructured silver-palladium resistance films for measuring of power and frequency of laser radiation pulses // Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications – 2015 : Proceedings of the I International Forum (Izhevsk, Russia, November 25–27, 2015). – Izhevsk : Publishing House of Kalashnikov ISTU, 2016. – Pp. 21–25.

GOST 7.1-2003 citation for works in Russian:Цитирование по ГОСТ 7.1-2003 для работ на русском языке:
Aleksandrov, V.A., Kalyuzhnyi, D.G., Besogonov, V.V., Skvortsova, I.N. Application of nanostructured silver-palladium resistance films for measuring of power and frequency of laser radiation pulses // Приборостроение, электроника и телекоммуникации – 2015 : Сб. ст. I Междунар. форума (г. Ижевск, 25–27 ноября 2015 г.). – Ижевск : Изд-во ИжГТУ имени М. Т. Калашникова, 2016. – С. 21–25.

APA v6 сitation:Цитирование в формате APA v6:
Aleksandrov, V.A., Kalyuzhnyi, D.G., Besogonov, V.V., & Skvortsova, I.N. (2016). Application of nanostructured silver-palladium resistance films for measuring of power and frequency of laser radiation pulses. In Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications – 2015. Proceedings of the I International Forum (pp. 21–25). Izhevsk, Russia : Publishing House of Kalashnikov ISTU.

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