DOI: 10.22213/2658-3658-2017-20-27
Feature Extraction Model in Systems of Diagnostics of Plant Diseases by the Leaf Images
Mirzaev, N., Saliev, E.
Received: 2017-11-16
Article language: English
Abstract. The task of features extraction occurring in creation of systems to diagnose crop diseases using leaves images has been examined in this work. The model of diagnostic feature extraction of leaves images has been proposed for the problem solution. The main concept of the proposed model includes creation of preferred feature set simplifying the construction process of considered rule in pattern recognition given in the form of images. Experimental investigations at problem solving on diagnosis of wheat diseases with the help of leaves images have been conducted for function test of the presented model.
Keywords: diagnostic systems, base fragments of images, diagnostics of plant diseases, diagnostic features of leaves, preferred features, correlation of features
Pages: 20–27Total pages: 8
Year of publication: 2017