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Electrical Power Supply System for a Maneuvering System of a Nanosatellite

Kumarin, A., Kudryavtsev, I.

Abstract. Modern CubeSats has become an attractive platform for different types of missions. Some of them involve high peak power consumers. Most of them were originally meant for heavier classes of satellites. Possibility and features of using electrical double layer capacitors (EDLC) in electrical power system for maneuvering system of a nanosatellite are discussed in this paper. Results of calculation of operation are presented. A method of effective charging EDLC in series with switching balancing is described.

Keywords: EDLC, CubeSat, power system, maneuvering system, energy saving

GOST 7.1-2003 citation for works in English:Цитирование по ГОСТ 7.1-2003 для работ на английском языке:
Kumarin, A., Kudryavtsev, I. Electrical power supply system for a maneuvering system of a nanosatellite // Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications – 2016 : Proceedings of the II International Forum (Izhevsk, Russia, November 23–25, 2016). – Izhevsk : Publishing House of Kalashnikov ISTU, 2017. – Pp. 42–47.

GOST 7.1-2003 citation for works in Russian:Цитирование по ГОСТ 7.1-2003 для работ на русском языке:
Kumarin, A., Kudryavtsev, I. Electrical power supply system for a maneuvering system of a nanosatellite // Приборостроение, электроника и телекоммуникации – 2016 : Сб. ст. II Междунар. форума (г. Ижевск, 23–25 ноября 2016 г.). – Ижевск : Изд-во ИжГТУ имени М. Т. Калашникова, 2017. – С. 42–47.

APA v6 сitation:Цитирование в формате APA v6:
Kumarin, A., & Kudryavtsev, I. (2017). Electrical power supply system for a maneuvering system of a nanosatellite. In Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications – 2016. Proceedings of the II International Forum (pp. 42–47). Izhevsk, Russia : Publishing House of Kalashnikov ISTU.

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