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DOI: 10.22213/2658-3658-2017-43-49


Defectoscopy of Composite Fiberglass Fittings by the Acoustic Waveguide Technique

Strizhak, V. A., Mkrtchyan, S. S., Khasanov, R. R., Pryakhin, A. V., Efremov, A. B.

Received: 2017-11-21

Article language: English

Abstract. In this paper we propose the procedure of nondestructive testing of composite fiberglass reinforcements by using the acoustic waveguide technique. Experiments on defectoscopy of the composite armature with rod waves were conducted. More than 1000 composite fiberglass reinforcements with length of 6 meters were tested according to the developed procedure. The experimental results shown that rejection level of 2 % allows to detect, confirm and identify flaws by type. Furthermore, we derived the dependence between signal amplitude and discontinuities or changes in the cross-section of the composite reinforcement body. The simulation of flaw as an element with a cross-sectional difference was performed. A graphical dependence of the signal amplitude from the flaw and from the defect zone cross-sectional area value was obtained. The photographs of typical defects and the corresponding echograms are given in this paper.

Keywords: acoustic non-destructive testing, waveguide technique, defectoscopy, development of procedure, composite fittings

Pages: 43–49Total pages: 7

Funding, support: The work is supported by the Russian science Foundation: project No. 15-19-00051, contract No. PiMIKD-1-16/C with the implementation of research works with the participation of OOO «KomAR» and OOO «NPIC «Kachestvo».

Published in: Instrumentation Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications – 2017: Proceedings of the III International Forum (November 22–24, 2017, Izhevsk, Russian Federation)

Year of publication: 2017

Scientific conferences Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University

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